Is Virtual Bookkeeping a Good Option for Your Accounting Firm?

Is Virtual Bookkeeping a Good Option for Your Accounting Firm

Virtual bookkeeping offers a refreshing change of pace from the traditional office setup. By eliminating the overhead costs of physical workspace and providing employees with a distraction-free environment, virtual bookkeeping can significantly boost productivity. While domestic virtual teams offer amazing advantages, tapping to virtual bookkeeping beyond borders can unlock even greater cost-efficiency and access to specialized skills. 

Quick Summary

  • Many accounting firms with sophisticated software and technology at place have continued virtual work successfully. Employees working remotely are performing well. 
  • Virtual accounting is the new norm. By extending virtual bookkeeping and accounting teams beyond borders, firms can enjoy the benefits of having a global team.

What is Virtual Bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping and accounting have come a long way. We’ve evolved from paper ledgers to spreadsheets, and now, online bookkeeping is making our lives easier than ever. 

The amazing part about online bookkeeping? You can do it from anywhere—home, office, or even a beach. Online bookkeeping proved its worth during COVID. As we all switched to working from home almost overnight, we managed to keep the wheels turning smoothly. 

Once the dust of the COVID tornado settled, many employees preferred to continue working from home, making virtual bookkeeping the new normal. 

So what exactly is virtual bookkeeping? If a bookkeeper is using online bookkeeping software but working from the office, is that virtual bookkeeping? The clear answer is NO.

In simple terms, all virtual bookkeeping involves online or cloud bookkeeping, as technology enables work from anywhere. However, not all online bookkeeping qualifies as virtual bookkeeping. Virtual bookkeeping specifically refers to situations where an employee can access and manage work only through virtual software.

Key Characteristics of Virtual Bookkeeping

  • Remote Access: Virtual bookkeepers work from remote locations, accessing client data through cloud-based accounting software. 
  • Flexibility: They adapt to varying workloads and client needs, offering scalable services. 
  • Technology-Driven: Virtual bookkeepers use advanced tools and software to streamline processes. 
  • Cost-Effective: By eliminating the need for office space and certain overhead costs, virtual bookkeeping can result in lower fees for clients. 

Virtual bookkeeping isn’t just about convenience; it’s about creating a more efficient, productive, and flexible work environment. And modern accounting firms are embracing this change to make the teams productive, widen the talent pool, improve employee satisfaction, and reduce turnover.

Related Read – Recent surveys have shown that the newer generation of talent is less focused on dollars and more interested in other benefits, particularly flexibility (hybrid/ remote schedules)

Success Story of The Singing CPA and Virtual Bookkeeping

When I say virtual bookkeeping is the new norm, I mean it. I hear and read so many stories of accounting firms catering all sorts of accounting services with a virtual team. The article published in AT Think on Managing a Virtual Practice grabbed my attention. 

Let me introduce you to Steven Zelin, better known as “The Singing CPA.” Steven is a successful sole practitioner CPA running Zelin & Co. and managing a virtual staff of 20 people.

Key highlights of Zelin & Co.

  • QuickBooks ProAdvisors with specialized certifications 
  • CFO-To-Go and Controller-To-Go divisions offering on-demand financial leadership 
  • Preparation of over 1,200 various types of tax returns annually 
  • Development of comprehensive business plans for clients 
  • Provision of a wide range of advisory services to support client growth and success 

Steven’s practice hinges on a simple but powerful routine: a daily 10:00 a.m. huddle on Zoom. This isn’t just a check-in; it’s a structured meeting where every team member shares what they’re working on, the status of their projects, and their plans for the day. The key? Keep it short and sweet—no longer than 15 minutes. This daily touchpoint ensures everyone is aligned and keeps communication flowing smoothly. 

Steven’s success shows just how powerful technology can be. By using Zoom and other online tools, he’s built a virtual workspace where productivity and collaboration flourish. 

Beyond his expertise in accounting, Steven has a unique talent—he performs music with tax-related lyrics, and thus the name – The Singing CPA.

Virtual Bookkeeping Beyond Borders

Just as virtual accounting is effective for a team based in the US, it can also be effective with team members located anywhere in the world. The key to success is having a skilled team, regardless of their physical location. 

In other words, the location of your team doesn’t impact the quality of virtual accounting. What really matters is the expertise and skills of the people working for you. As long as you have a talented team, virtual bookkeeping and accounting can be successful from any part of the globe. 

In addition to that, a global virtual bookkeeping team offers additional benefits—cost savings through currency differences, access to a wider talent pool, and the ability to address the ongoing talent shortage in the industry. 

The Advantages of Global Virtual Bookkeeping Teams

Virtual Bookkeeping is often recognized as a cost saving measure for SMBs replacing an in-house bookkeeper with a virtual. But it comes with even greater benefits for an Accounting Firm.  

1. Scalability

Imagine your business is booming, and you need to scale your accounting team quickly to handle the increased workload. With a traditional in-house team, this process can be lengthy and expensive. But with a global virtual bookkeeping team, scaling up or down is as easy as adding or removing team members. 

There’s a significant shortage of skilled accountants in many countries, including the United States, leading to high salaries and difficulty finding qualified staff. However, countries like India have a vast pool of accounting talent. By tapping into this global resource, you can quickly expand your team without sacrificing quality. 

2. Expanding Your Talent Pool

When you limit your search for accountants to a single country, you’re narrowing your options. Expanding to a global virtual bookkeeping and accounting team opens doors to a vast array of skilled professionals.

By looking beyond borders, you tap into a wider pool of talent. Accountants and bookkeepers in many offshore locations receive rigorous training to meet the standards of businesses in countries like the United States. They are well-versed in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), ensuring accurate and reliable financial reporting.

3. Reduces Operational Expenses

One of the most compelling reasons to consider a global virtual bookkeeping team is the cost savings. By outsourcing your accounting functions to a country with a lower cost of living, you can significantly reduce your operational expenses. 

The resources you save can be redirected into areas that drive your accounting firm forward. Whether it’s expanding your marketing efforts, investing in new technology, or pursuing other strategic initiatives, these savings can be a game changer. 

A global virtual bookkeeping team not only helps you cut costs but also frees up resources that can be reinvested into your business. 

4. Access to Specialized Expertise

A global virtual bookkeeping team gives you access to a diverse pool of accountants with specialized skills. You can tap into experts in specific industries like healthcare and tech, as well as specialists in tax laws, financial analysis, ERP systems, and fraud prevention.  

This means you get tailored solutions for your client’s unique business needs. Instead of relying on general accountants and bookkeepers, you have specialists who deeply understand your industry and financial challenges, providing better insights and results. 

5. Improved Client Service

A well-staffed accounting team is essential for providing excellent client service. By leveraging a global virtual team, you can maintain optimal staffing levels to handle fluctuating workloads without compromising quality.

6. Time Zone

Different time zones can be a huge advantage. By having teams in various locations, you can offer round-the-clock support to your clients. This translates to faster response times, increased client satisfaction, and a competitive edge.

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      Credfino Advantage

      The shift towards virtual bookkeeping is undeniable. It’s changing how accounting firms operate, offering more efficiency, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool. By adopting virtual bookkeeping, firms can focus on high-value services, enhance client satisfaction, and drive sustainable growth. 

      Virtual bookkeeping has its own set of challenges. Here’s some food for thought: If you’re not ready to tackle the challenges of virtual bookkeeping and offshoring accounting work, how will you handle the ongoing talent shortage and rising salary demands? Accepting these changes is the key to staying competitive in the industry and catering to rising client expectations.  

      Virtual bookkeeping is as good as your staffing partner. 

      I get it, finding the right virtual bookkeeping team can be tough. That’s where Credfino steps in. We’ve helped over 100 CPAs and accounting firms by understanding their specific needs. At Credfino, we offer a skilled and diverse virtual bookkeeping and accounting team, along with ongoing support to ensure your success. 

      Schedule a call to know how Credfino can help your accounting firm.


      1. What is a virtual bookkeeper?

      A virtual bookkeeper is an accounting professional who performs bookkeeping tasks remotely. Instead of working in a traditional office, they operate from their own location, using cloud-based software to access and manage client financial data. This allows for flexibility and cost-efficiency for both the bookkeeper and the client. 

      2. Can bookkeeping be done remotely?

      Yes, bookkeeping can be done remotely. The advent of cloud-based accounting software and robust internet connectivity has made it possible for bookkeepers to efficiently manage client finances from anywhere in the world. This has led to the rise of virtual bookkeeping as a popular option for businesses. 

      3. How can virtual bookkeeping improve client service?

      Virtual bookkeeping can significantly enhance client service. With remote access to client data, bookkeepers can often provide faster turnaround times on tasks. Additionally, they can offer flexible working hours, accommodating clients in different time zones. Moreover, virtual bookkeepers can specialize in specific accounting software or industries, providing deeper expertise and better service.

      4. How can accounting firms find suitable virtual bookkeepers?

      There are several ways for accounting firms to find suitable virtual bookkeepers: 

      • Freelance Platforms: Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer a pool of freelance bookkeepers. This form of staffing model comes with several limitations such as training gaps, data security concerns, and project completion risks. 
      • Virtual Bookkeeping Firms: Partnering with established virtual bookkeeping firms can provide access to a pre-vetted team of professionals. 
      • Referrals: Networking with other accounting firms or business owners can lead to recommendations for qualified virtual bookkeepers. 

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